This is a one hour outdoor fitness class. The class will focus on unique “country” and modern style exercises/equipment for a fairly fast paced full body workout. A variety of equipment is used but we mostly use dumbbells. Modification of all exercises and drills will be instructed as well for those in need.
First class is FREE.
Sunup Strength
Tuesday & Thursday
8:15 – 9:15 am
Early Bird
Tuesday & Thursday
6:00 – 7:00 am
Evening Strength
4:30 – 5:20 pm
Private classes:
Bring your closest friends or co-workers together for a workout! Contact Valley Fit for details. Date/time to be determined by the group. Accommodations will be made to fit your needs as a group. You will be able to pick from nearly any type of class.
If you do not see a class time or day that you would prefer PLEASE inquire. More classes are available if enough are interested. I am more than willing to add classes. (Early morning or early evening).
Other Speciality Classes available upon request: Butts N Guts, Packs N Guns, Weekend Warrior, Belly Buster, HIIT It Hard, ABC & Boot E.
Method of Payment: Cash or Venmo for Drop In’s only. Membership and Class Session Packs are purchased on Trainerize App. (see link above) First class is FREE.
Where to Park: As close to the house as you can on the grass. Please do not park on Wilderness Trail or block in vehicles in the driveway.
What to bring: Updated 8/24 – Bring your own water and towel (towel optional). Mats are provided but you are welcome to bring your own.
Cancellations: If a class is cancelled due to inclement weather or personal reasons the notice will be posted on Valley Fit Facebook Page, Valleyfitpv Instagram Page. Both feeds can be seen at the bottom of the FRONT page of this website.
You will not be able to participate in a class unless you have filled out the Waiver located at the bottom of this website. Thank you for your understanding.
Please Contact Valley Fit to share that you are interested in attending by texting or calling (904) 382-8531 or email then Fill out the Liability Waiver on the bottom of this site.